Nice trees

Know more about the trees we offer

Not sure which trees you want for your new landscape design? Learn more about the trees we have available. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward getting the garden or landscape of your dreams.


Picea Omorika Pendula Bruns - This is a beautiful contorted upright weeping Spruce that demonstrates hints of blue, white, and green. Reaches up to 12- 20''


Picea Glauca Pendula - a Wonderful upright straight as an arrow with weeping branches that skirt wider at the base. Reaches up to 12-20''

Japanese Maples:

Acer Japonicum Vitifolium - This Beautiful small to moderate size large leaf Japanese maple can reach heights up to 20''. Spring and summer color is green and it has magnificent fall colors of red, orange, and yellow with hints of green.


Acer Palmatum Kiyohime - This tiny leaf (1-2") green Japanese maple with tips of leaves being red. It grows short 4-5'' with an umbrella canopy up to 12''.

Nice tree

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